
  • 4 Sets NFT
  • 6 Single Arm Dumbbell Arnold Z Press/arm
    6 KB Rack Elevator Squats (3 Positions – 2sec hold each)
  • 20 Kettlebell Psoas March

+ Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work Yoga

A) 5 Rounds KB Flow

B) Back Squat

30X1; 4 Reps Every 3:30 x 4 sets
*Removing the pause at the bottom this week. refer back 3 weeks ago and build on week 4 weights

Demo video https://youtu.be/Rvy12jFLBFo

C1) Contralateral KB Rack Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

31X1; 6/leg; rest 30sec x 3 sets
*box height is 10-14″
Demo video https://youtu.be/FCyiE-Q60eo

C2) Single Arm Dumbbell Incline Bench Press Top Down

40X0; 3-5/arm; rest 30sec x 3 sets
Demo video https://youtu.be/1RdiI_ta3CY

C3) Diamond Push-Up

10X0 (burn out set – go until you feel that burn but don’t hit failure); rest 2mins x 3
Demo video https://youtu.be/XtU2VQVuLYs

4 Sets @ Tough Effort