Monday – 3rd February 2020

WARM UP Tabata Hollow Hold, WOD CROSSFIT TOTAL is The score is the total number of all 3 lifts combined, so a 100kg back squat, 60kg press and 120kg deadlift would give a score of 280kg. 1RM BACK SQUAT . 1RM SHOULDER PRESS . 1RM DEADLIFT ACCESSORIES 5 Sets 10 Sec...

Saturday – 1st February 2020

WARM UP 400m Run, then2 Rounds of 5 kipping Swings, 10 Sit ups, 15 Air Squats; then, Tabata Hollow Holds 20 Sec on/ 10 sec off STRENGTH Bench Press 4 reps x 6 rounds warm up & ; then stick to a comfortable weight through out. 60-70% 1RM. SKILLS – Practice...

Friday – 31st January 2020

WARM UP Hip Mobility 3 Sets 5 Deadlift 5 Power Clean 5 Thruster STRENGTH 1RM DEADLIFT take 20 min to find your 1 rep max. Rest as necessary.  WOD AMRAP 3  10 Burpees 40 Double Unders REST 3 Min AMRAP 3 10 Burpees 10/7 Cal Ride/Row REST 3 Min AMRAP 3 10...