Wednesday – 29th January 2020

WEIGHTLIFTING WARM UP PVC Snatch Warm Up Dislocates/Deadlift/Pull/Muscle/Power/OHS/Snatch Posterior chain prep STRENGTH 1RM BACK SQUAT 20 Min to find your 1 rep max, Rest as necessary. 1 RM SNATCH Build as needed. Guide: 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%. Notes: focus should be...

Tuesday – 28th January 2020

WARM UP 2 Sets: 10m Walking Calf Raises 10m High Kicks 10m Lunge Twist 10m Inchworms 10m Cartwheels 10 Banded Tricep Extensions 2 Sets: 30 Hollow Rocks 10 Toe To Rings SPRINT INTERVALS 4 Rounds: 15 Ring Dips RX + 5 SRMU,  5 RMU,  5 Ring Dip 10 Box Jump 30/24...

Saturday – 25th January 2020

WARM UP 2 Sets 90s Bike/Row16  Front Rack Box Step Overs 24/20 12 Wall Ball + Clean (light) STRENGTH With a partner: (1 Work 1 Rest) 3 Sets 12 DB Box Step Ups 22.5/15 to 24/20″ 4 Sets 30m KB Overhead Lunge 5 Sets (from the rack) 8 Thruster’s –...

Friday – 24th January 2020

WEIGHTLIFTING WARM UP 5 Deadlift 5 Power Clean 5 Thruster 5 Narrow Grip OHS STRENGTH 5 Sets – building 3 Clean Pull 4 Power Clean (Pause In Catch) + Split Jerk . Then Find your 1RM...