My ex, who liked her initially, didn’t trust her anymore. Eventually she started staying weekends at an older gentleman’s home who was much more wealthy. Then she moved in with him and I was just a friend, for a while.

Sounds very simple but you have to grow a pair because in the end it won’t work out and you will be miserable and crushed emotionally. Never plan more than a year out to be honest. You’re only getting frustrated when she pulls back because you want to chase.

How does BPD affect romantic relationships?

They told me they could not get pregnant, that they were on the pill, and their ovaries didn’t work anymore. I still consider myself pro life but it was very very strenuous on me. They did not grow even a little in the year I knew them. I actually got a text from him recently about him saying that he’s converting to my faith – I had always said I wanted Jewish kids. The last time we met he had carved his boyfriend’s name on his chest.

He explains how the effort needed to make relationships work is not dependent on the labels attached to an individual’s personal experience. “It only comes down to what it is that allows a relationship to fit,” he adds. “It’s the willingness to be honest and patient with each other that’s important.”

Borderline personality disorder and relationships

Untreated BPD may increase your risk for acting out impulsively, and engaging in uncontrolled spending, gambling, drinking, and other dangerous behaviors. Even though people have used the term “quiet BPD” for these symptoms, it is not a separate diagnosis from BPD in general. A better understanding of BPD subtypes could eventually lead to improved treatments, according to studies from 2017 and 2018. Experts don’t agree on what quiet BPD is or whether it is different from BPD in general. You can’t be diagnosed with “quiet BPD” specifically. However, quiet BPD is not a recognized diagnosis.

Fear of Abandonment

But when I see her actions, I think otherwise. I try not to say anything about it though. You keep saying that a man can have a relationship with BPD woman. I see your point of view and it is nice that you see BPD as a relationship.

Also i cant get him to agree just to have a fling or bedste friends with benefits. It seems like he want that… but Falls in love with me everytime he is with me… and I think i make ham in secure and nervous. He seems extremely in love and fashinated with me when he is with me… and I have overheard him saying ” i dont know what it is about that woman… but everytime I see her, it just says kaboom. Talks and behave as though we are a couple, Even though i have told him we are not. And he needs to date me if he want that to bee the case and spend time with me. If a man chooses to deal with someone with this affliction good for him.

You might accidentally say something that triggers your partner for a while. Adjusting to their mindset and behavior won’t be a simple task in a relationship, so don’t take the blame for trying your best. I used to feel that it was impossible for me to ever be happy in a relationship. I now realise that this belief was a result of stigma, emotional abuse and not having support. People with BPD can have happy relationships.

However even a well functioning bpd can be a lot to take on especially if you have stress in your own life. There is nothing wrong with someone for simply saying get out of my life. Eh, no you just can’t get sucked into the honeymoon phase like you did. You’re basically allowing her to do all these things to you lol. But this girl is beyond BPD obviously with the cutting, anorexia, etc. she obviously needs real medical treatment.

And, I do believe if I keep crossing that line, he is strong enough to treat himself how he deserves and leave me. Inexperienced men jump right into the Honeymoon Period. She could be on the rebound and using you as an escape. Yes, you and your girlfriend should be a team. If you can’t do this, then the relationship will never improve. You’ll always be seeking a fantasy that never comes to fruition.

She always had a crush on me but to me she was just a nice girl. We always talked on and off and we ended up being really good friends, A few years back she was dating some dude and started ignoring me so I deleted her from facebook. Months passed, she added me and apologized and we started talking again. Fast forward to last May when she told me she was sick and and had to get surgery. From that point on I’m pretty sure this the only girl I’ve ever felt strong feelings for. I told her I wanted her to be my girlfriend, straight up, and she replied “…but I’m crazy”.