People are naturally attracted to them as potential friends because of their warmth and friendliness. They don’t like to admit it, but they need alone time just as much as INFJs do. Many are comfortable with their own emotions and not afraid to be vulnerable with those they love. They tend to value a traditional family structure with the man as the bread winner and the female in charge of the home. Older INFJ women have an easier time with self-acceptance than younger ones do.

Worst Matches for an INFJ

This in-depth guide covers the primary and shadow INFJ cognitive functions. And, since INFJ females love research, their work will always be factually correct and full of relevant information. When searching for the perfect career, INFJ women aspire to choose jobs that will match their beliefs and values. Yoga classes and meditation are perfect ways for INFJ females to relax and clear their minds. It comforts them and keeps their inner world active yet peaceful.

What are the characteristics of INFJs?

An INFJ man is often more sensitive and perceptive to the feelings of his partner. However, this can look very different depending on the sex of the personality type. INFJ men can be quite different from INFJ women, and the same goes for ENFPs. Both of these personalities could be found in the same corner of a party chatting away endlessly about life’s big questions, their favorite new album, or their inner feelings.

INFJs make friends slowly, but their loyalty is strong once their trust has been earned. INFJs may connect better with other intuitive types who can recognize the value of introspection, but INFJs can make friends with any personality type. INFJs may have trouble relating to more extroverted types who they see as shallow or superficial, and INFJ introversion means that INFJ friendships are often long-distance relationships. INFJs need time alone to recharge their batteries so it is important for them to have a good balance of socialization and solitude. INFJs can be very supportive friends, but they also need to take some time for themselves so that they do not become overwhelmed. INFJs often have a deep understanding of others, and this can make for very rewarding friendships.

Want true love, not just a partner

I can be on the verge of wanting to cry but suppress this and appear outwardly incredibly calm and composed, putting on a smile to keep the peace and avoid drama. Only a handful of people have seen me cry and those are my parents, sister and my husband. It’s a good idea to research the 5 love languages. That will help give you a tool to talk about how you each express love and what you need to feel love.

The INFJ Females and Enneagram Types

And usually, once they’ve helped, they move on with their day. Caring for others is unlikely to be as central to their lives as it is to yours. As an Intuitive Feeling type, you seek deep, meaningful connection in your relationships. You want to truly understand what drives the people you care about and help them to be their best selves. You are drawn to people who seem to be sensitive, thoughtful, and idealistic, and prefer relationships that help you to grow and develop.

But we spend so much time trying to understand issues from every perspective that we can easily lose track of our ultimate mission. The Revolutionary Dreamer knows what’s important to them, and they stand up for their beliefs with bold intensity. They will take the INFJ’s hand and lead them into the battle for what is right, encouraging them to care less about what everyone else thinks of them. INFJs admire the way the Revolutionary Dreamer speaks out against anything that isn’t in line with their moral compass. As an INFJ, relationships are especially important to you, so it’s essential that you understand yourself and what you need in a partner. That means when someone becomes involved with you, they are connecting with a unique, perceptive, complex, and sometimes mysterious personality.

If so, you are one of the rarest personality types of all. INFJs make up about one to three percent of the total population. They’ll always be thinking about what your next fun date should be. INFJ’s are highly idealistic and will always dream big when it comes to your relationship. They always have in the back of their mind your favorite activities, places to go, and preferences when making plans.

INFJs are service-oriented, so making their partner happy is very important to them. If it seems like they’re off in another world, it’s probably because they are.INFJs are great at building rich inner lives and daydreaming allows them to live out their fantasies. INFJs prefer when other people make the initial contact when it comes to dating.

She loves having light-hearted chit-chat, asking people about their lives, and offering advice to anyone who needs it. Add her artistry and unique visions to that, and you will get a conventional example of an INFJ woman. A specific fusion of opposite personality traits is one of the main reasons why INFJ females are so exceptional. INFJs tend to be independent thinkers and while these types may be pigeonholed into one category or the other, it’s important to realize that they have manylayers and cannot fit in a box. They are highly multifaceted and one of those facets include a side that can be very assertive, bold, adventurous, fun-loving and sassy.

This is a side of the INFJ that is only exposed in these situations where someone they love has been deeply wronged or hurt. INFJs actually struggle more when it comes to flirting with someone they truly like. Someone they are just being friendly with they can often flirt and be rather playful right away. INFJs are funny and often more charming than even they realize, and so when they are relaxed, they can flirt by making jokes and using their wit to appeal to someone. When the INFJ has started to develop real feelings for someone, or even just a strong crush, this is when their flirting style changes a bit.