Week 7 – Day 32

3-4 Sets NFT
AB 10 Cals
4 Muscle Up Rows 3131 tempo (push feet further forward today to increase difficulty)
20 Pike Shoulder Taps
20 Alternating Single Leg V Ups
Mobility Focus
Thoracic Spine Extensions over Foam Roller – 10-12 extensions; rest as needed x 3 sets

A) Single Arm KB Push Press

40X0 x 6/arm – rest 60sec between arms x 2-3 sets
*more prep work before we get into tough benching sets.

B) Incline Close Grip Bench Press

32X1; 4-6reps; rest 2-3mins x 3 sets
Tall Incline this week

C) 3 Sets

2 Strict Ring Muscle Up Negatives (SLOW DOWN)(advanced athletes can put on a weight vest but still perfom the negatives)
*more control than last week
rest 45sec
2 Deficit HSPU Negatives (use larger deficit) (SLOW DOWN)
2 Deficit Strict HSPU (reduce deficit for these reps)
rest 2mins
https://youtu.be/Mx31PedEpTg ring MU negative
https://youtu.be/8WhWNxmqs14 deficit HSPA

D) 3 Rounds @ 85% Sustained Effort

4-8 Kipping C2B Pull Ups Unbroken
Row 9/7 Cals
6-10 Kipping Pull Ups Unbroken
Row 9/7 Cals
rest 90sec
4-8 Ring Dips Strict
AB 9/7 Cals
8-12 Ring Push Ups
AB 9/7 Cals
rest 90sec
*based upon your skill level try to stay within the rep range provided for each gymnastics movement