Week 8 – Day 36

2 Sets – Increase your effort on every set 
Run 800m 
8 Dumbbell Power Cleans 
8 DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges 
8 Alternating Dumbbell Push Press 
40m Dual DB Front Rack Carry 
rest 2mins between sets 

Mobility Focus – 
25′ Perfect Stretch Walk x 3 (rest as needed)

A) 1-1/4 Back Squat

31X1; 3,2,1,3; rest 2-3mins 
*the last set of 3 should be heavier than that first, but the set of 1 is your heaviest

B1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

10X0; 8/leg x 3 sets; rest 45sec

B2) Cross Body Strict Toes to Bar

30X0; 6/side alternating; rest 45ec x 3

B3) Sled Complex

20m Reverse Sled Drag + 20m Sled Push GRIND; rest walk 2-3mins x 3

C) 3-4 Sets 

AB 15/12 Cals Hard 
10 Alternating DB Snatch 
10 Single Arm Overhead Reverse Lunge (5/leg) 
*completed at the end of the last Snatch (switch hands at rep 5) 
rest 60sec 
Run 200m 
12 Dual KB Squat Clean Thrusters 
rest walk 2mins

Regards,Coach Khang