Week 8 – Day 37

3-4 Sets NFT 
Run 100m 
3 Muscle Up Rows (feet futher forward this week – make the a touch more difficult) 3131 tempo 
20 Handstand Shoulder Taps 
10 Alternating Strict Knees to Elbow 

Mobility Focus 
Quadruped Shoulder CARs – 3/arm in each direction x 3 sets – SLOW and Deliberate movement. Each rotation takes 10sec.
https://youtu.be/UiHq5aPDVXk muscle up row
https://youtu.be/cTC8Gj1z0eY wall facing shoulder taps
https://youtu.be/HPZikDifU6o strict knees to elbows

A) Single Arm Kettlebell Complex

3 KB Push Press R 40X0 
5 KB Push Jerk R 20X0 
rest 60sec 
3 KB Push Press L 40X0 
5 KB Push Jerk L 20X0 
rest 60sec x 2-3 Sets 
*Still Warm Up in nature – getting ready for tough incline bench

B) Incline Close Grip Bench Press

32X1; 5,4,3; rest 2-3mins 
Medium Incline (lower than last week)

C) 3 Sets

3 Strict Ring Muscle Up Negatives (advanced athletes can put on a weight vest but still perfrom the negatives) 
*more controll than last week 
rest 60sec 
2 Deficit HSPU Negatives (use larger deficit) 
3 Deficit Strict HSPU (reduce deficit for these reps) 
rest 60sec
https://youtu.be/Ak4prJ31_Co jump Muscle up
https://youtu.be/Mx31PedEpTg ring MU negative
https://youtu.be/8WhWNxmqs14 deficit negative HSPU

D) 3 Rounds @ 85% Sustained Effort

6/4 Kipping Chest to Bar Pull Ups 
8/6 Kipping Pull Ups 
Row 18/15 Cals 
rest 60sec 
8/6 Strict Ring Dips 
16/12 Ring Push Ups feet on 20″ box 
AB 18/15 
rest 2mins


Regards,Coach Khang