Week 11 – Day 55

Aerobic Primer
90sec AB @ 75-80% x 3 sets
60sec Rest
*build you pace with each set
3 Sets ⁣
6 RNT Overhead Squat
10 B Stance Hip Thrust/leg
14 DB Frog Pump
https://youtu.be/O77ZcyBaIB4 RNT Overhead Squat
https://youtu.be/mqSuyvXIWgU B Stance Hip Thrust/leg
https://youtu.be/N6t2Fv0SKGc DB Frog Pump

A) Overhead Squat

30X1; 4,3,2; rest 2-3mins

B1) Back Squat

20X1;; 1.1.1; 1.1; rest 10sec/rest 30sec

B2) Sled Push

30m TOUGH; rest 2misn

C) Dumbbell Cross Body Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

30X0; 3-5/leg; rest 60sec between leg x 2-3 sets (tough sets)

D) 3 Sets – High Effort Per Set

20 Wtd Double Unders
10 KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge (5/leg)
20 Wtd Double Unders
10 Double Kettlebell Clean
20 Wtd Double Unders
10 Kettlebell 2-arm Deadlift
20 Wtd Double Unders
rest 2mins between sets

*choose a load for the KB that you can manage for all 3 movements