Week 1 – Day 5

Thoracic Flow
3 Rounds – 10reps each movement

A) 3 Sets @ 75% Effort

60sec Row (incerase effort)
5 SA DB Push Press R
5 SA DB Push Jerk R
5 Single Arm DB Overhead Squat R
6-8 Ring Face Pull
5 SA DB Push Press L
5 SA DB Push Jerk L
5 Single Arm DB Overhead Squat L
rest walk 2mins between sets
https://youtu.be/yQQJCh4Hs1s Ring Face Pull

B) Clean and Jerk Complex

4 Muscle Clean
4 Push Press 31X1
rest 2mins between sets x 3 Sets

C) Clean Grip Deadlift No Hook Grip

Every 3mins x 4 sets – 5 reps TnG

ONLY LAST SET IS HARD – Build weight with each set

D) 2 Sets

8-10 Tall Kneeling Single Arm Landmine Press
8-10 Split Stance Landmine RDL
rest as needed between movements
*show control through full ranges of motion
https://youtu.be/koW8PzXivG0 Split Stance Landmine RDL
https://youtu.be/TVTHezj2ZLg Tall Kneeling Single Arm Landmine Press

E) For Time – Intensity Finisher for the Week

AB 1 mile/.8 Miles
10 Single Arm DB snatch – 50/30 (5/arm)
10 Single Arm DB snatch – 60/40 (5/arm)
10 Single Arm DB snatch – 70/50 (5/arm)
AB 1 mile/.8 Miles
10 Dual DB Power Clean – 50/30
10 Dual DB Power Clean – 60/40
10 Dual DB Power Clean – 70/50
AB 1 mile/.8 Miles