Week 7 – Day 31

3 Sets –
4 Drop Jumps (Higher Than Last Week)
15 Low to High Banded Chops/side
20m Duck Walk

A) Touch and Go Snatch Complex

3 Hang Muscle Snatch
3 Hang Power Snatch
rest 60sec between sets x 4 sets

*For the past 6 weeks we have been incorporating your Snatch barbell cycling into your Tuesday power work. We have moved this to Monday and taken away the time pressure of the other modalities so you can focus on refining you movement and building great strength in the Snatch!

B) Segment Snatch Pull

3111; 6,5,4,3; rest 2-3mins

*ONLY 1 Pause on the concentric now – Watch VIDEO – pause 1sec just below knee and then finish with SPEED!
*Lower Slowly from the hips to the floor in 3 seconds

C1) Banded Close Grip Bench Press

10X1; 3-4 reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets (same band set up as last week with added load)

*still focusing on speed in the concentric phase – really drive as fast as you can!

C2) T-Bar Row

10X2; 6-8/reps; rest 2:00 x 3

D) Rounds in 5mins – Consistent Effort Throughout

6 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step Up Over 45/30 (20/16″ box)
3 Renegade Rows 45/30
30 Double Unders

rest 2mins

Rounds in 5mins – High Effort but Sustainable
Row 12/9 Calories
9 Dumbbell Front Squats 45/30
9 Dumbbell Deadlifts

rest 2mins

Rounds in 5mins – High Effort but Sustainable
Assault Bike 6/5 Cals Cals
10 HR PUsh Ups
Assault Bike 6/5 Cals Cals
12 Sit UPs