Week 8 – Day 37

3 Sets/arm
4 KB Single Arm Hang Clean
3 KB Single Arm Thrusters
2 KB Single Arm OH Reverse Lunge
Light Overhead Snatch Grip Prep Work
3 Sets – LIGHT Barbell Work
2 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press
2 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Jerk

A) Overhead Squat

31X1; 2 reps every 2:00 x 4 sets
*build from last two weeks

B) Front Squat

20X0 x 6-8reps; rest as needed (keep the loads moderate and focus on good range of motion with deep positions) x 2 sets

*This week marks a change into Front Squat patterns. We are going to deload a little bit in total volume. Get 2 quality sets in and move on!

C) Single Leg Scapular Structural Balance

2 Sets
6-8/leg @ 30X0 tempo – Deficit DB Suitcase Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat/leg
*front foot on 3″ – rear foot on bench or box
rest 60sec
6 Half Kneeling KB Windmill R
6 KB Windmill R
6 Half Kneeling KB Windmill L
6 KB Windmill L
rest 60sec

D) 3 Sets – Power Work

5 Hang Power Clean Below Knee
10 Burpees As fast as possible
AB 20sec @ 97%
rest walk 3:30
*record load and total cals
*keep your POWER UP on these assault bike sprints