Week 5 – Day 23
Row 150m Acceleration
rest walk 90sec x 4-5 sets
*Acceleration means you start slow and by the end of 150m you are pulling at a high cadence
Mobility Focus
Band Assisted Pancake x 2mins
https://youtu.be/miyyY1uyqis based assisted pancake
A1) Deficit Snatch Deadlift
3030; 4-6reps; rest 60sec (these are TnG reps but keep eccentric and concentric speed equal) x 3 sets
*pull from 2″ plates
A2) Snatch High Pull
5,5,4; rest 2mins
*A1 and A2 loads may be different
B1) Goblet Loaded Box Pistol
31X1 3-5/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets
*tall boxes will be easier – keep non working leg off the floor
B2) Banded Single Leg DB RDL
20X0; 8-10/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets
C) Every 5mins x 3-5 sets – Consistent Pacing
40 Double Unders
7-9 Double KB Clean and Press 53/35lbs
7-9 Burpees
7-9 Dual KB Snatch 53/35lbs
7-9 Hand Release Push Ups
*Rest remainder of time after you have completed the work. Scale considerations – loads of KB as well as reps should be scaled as need to ensure you are finishing these sets within 3misn
*this week we begin to implement a Set range. A fews ways to use this.
1. If your quality of movement is lessening then terminate after 3 sets. No need to promote bad habits.
2. If you have time constraints then 3 sets is still a solid dose for the day
3. If your split times are getting slower and slower and you are in jeopordy of not finishing in 5mins then terminate sets.
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