Omegafit Primer
3 Sets Not For Time:
12 Dead Bugs (6/Side)
10 Tempo Dumbbell Squats
8 Pausing Glute Bridges
Iteration #1 of #3. Final Monday primer set of the cycle, building in the next two weeks. Set the baseline today.

Back Squat Waves (Week 1/2)
Set 1: 4 Reps
Set 2: 3 Reps
Set 3: 2 Reps
3 Minutes Rest
Set 4: 4 Reps
Set 5: 3 Reps
Set 6: 2 Reps
3 Minutes Rest
Set 7: 4 Reps
Set 8: 3 Reps
Set 9: 2 Reps

These are based off our cycle 5-Rep Back Squat benchmark completed in Week 2. This is our second wave progression of the cycle, and it is two weeks in length, with the aim to build upon these percentages next week. On the third week, we’ll be re-testing our opening 5-Rep Back Squat. Complete the 4-3-2 reps *not* for time, but move with a purpose. Keep the sets to a short break, and make this challenging.

“Grim Reaper”
Overhead Squats (40/20)
Toes to Bar

Rest 5 Minutes

Thrusters (40/20)
Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Accessories Body Armor
3 Sets:
7 Seated Single Arm Arnold Press (Each Side)
:30 Seconds Ring Plank Support
14 Weighted AbMat Sit-ups