Jerk Balance
3 Sets of 3
Technique loads, focusing on positioning.

Split Jerk Complex
On the 1:30 x 7 Sets:
1 Pausing Split Jerk (2s)
1 Split Jerk

(Teams of 3 with a 30 Minute Cap):
3 Rounds:
1,000 Meter Row
30 Toes to Bar
21 Burpee Box Jump
21 Clean and Jerks (50/35)
21 Burpee Box Jump
21 Clean and Jerks (55/40)
21 Burpee Box Jump
21 Clean and Jerks (60/45)

Not For Time:
21-18-15-12-9: GHD Sit-ups
After Each Set: 3 Half Turkish Get-Ups