Week 1 – Day 2

3 Sets –
10 Overhead Cossack Squats 2111 (5/side – load with PVC pipe or very light bar)
6 Seated Single Arm KB Press 30X0 (light)/arm
15-20sec/arm Single Arm Ring Plank per Arm
https://youtu.be/ulzoZOHicyU Overhead Cossack Squats
https://youtu.be/LcVh7l7WyJo Seated Single Arm Kettlebell Press
https://youtu.be/_Iev7PLP6QY Single Arm Ring Plank

A) Snatch Width Grip/Shoulder Work

4 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press 21X1
4 OHS 21X1
rest 2mins x 3 sets
https://youtu.be/G8iJivvufKY Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press
https://youtu.be/-j1Brs3LgtA OHS

B) Back Squat

10X1; 3 reps Every Minute for 8mins (SPEED WORK)

*load with 55% of 1RM only
*this will feel light and the point is to really develop great speed from the bottom of the squat

C) Single Leg & Scapular Structural Balance

2 Sets
8-10/leg @ 20X0 tempo – DB Suitcase Front Foot Elevated Split Squat (2-4″ elevation on front foot)
rest 60sec
3 Paused Turkish Get Ups/arm (pause 2sec at Position 1, 2, and 3 on the way up and down)
rest 60sec

*TGU Positions
1 – Top of Sit Up
2 – Half Kneeling
3 – Standing
https://youtu.be/LkqIu3YpRNo TGUP
https://youtu.be/vLTWu7O5FSw DB Suitcase Front Foot Elevated Split Squat

D) 3-4 Sets – Power Work

5 Hang Power Snatch TnG (increase weight per set)
rest 15sec
Assault Bike 15sec @ 97% effort
rest walk 2:30
*record load and total cals for each set

*It is very important that this work be done at very high effort with the intent to push your pace. We don’t get many opportunities to express full power and here is one. Push your pace on the rower and Keep QUALITY your focus on the Snatch Work!

*If you have the time and your power remains HIGH, then complete a 4th set. If your power on the bike starts to slow down or the quality of your HPS reps falters, then terminate after set 3.