Week 1 – Day 4

3 Sets
10m Lateral Band Walk/side Dual KB Rack Hold
20 Banded Glute Bridge – Fast Reps Thick Band
20 Feet on Box Pike HS Shoulder Taps
https://youtu.be/wUlNK8QbX6w Banded Glute Bridge
https://youtu.be/90ZS16oBMwg Lateral Band Walk
https://youtu.be/4-Xl07LZlVs Box Pike HS Shoulder Taps

A) 1-1/4 Back Squat

33X1; 5,5,5; TOUGH Sets; rest 2-3mins

3 seconds down
3 seconds hold bottom
X – perform the 1/4 squat and then return to the bottom and use abounce to accelerate to the top
1 second pause at top

B1) Kettlebell Rack Split Stance Half Squat Isometric

20sec/leg; rest 45sec x 3

B2) Depth Push Ups

13X1; 6-9reps; rest 45sec x 3

B3) Single Arm Trap 3 Raise with Isometric Dumbbell Row

2111; 6-8/arm; rest 90sec x 3

C) Every 3mins Complete the Following

4 DB Front Squats 50/35
6 Strict Toes to bar
8 DB Suitcase Walking Lunge 50/35
16/14 Cal Row
x 5 Sets

*rest remainder of 3mins before starting the next set
*scale loads and calories back if you are having a hard time keeping up with the time demands