Week 10 – Day 49

3 Sets
20 Windshield Wipers
3 KB Windmill/arm
30sec Weighted Superman Hold

3 Sets
20m Filly Carry/arm (tough)
10 Jefferon Curls (light load)
5 Muscle Up Rows 3030
https://youtu.be/8g-7b6y2q5E Filly carry
https://youtu.be/NFXqqvZGAHY Jefferson curl
https://youtu.be/UiHq5aPDVXk muscle up row
https://youtu.be/M8csHpQrq5o windshield wiper
https://youtu.be/3rtUK_jUv4s KB windmill
https://youtu.be/BRWfgwVhtu4 Wtd superman

A1) Back Squat

20X0; 3.3.3; rest 20sec/rest 60sec x 3 sets
*reps are increasing this week and tempo has shifted to remove the pause at the top.

A2) Burpee Bar Muscle Ups

AMRAP in 60sec; rest 3mins x 3

*Scaling Option – Burpee C2B Pull Ups

B1) Barbell Front Rack Cossack Squat

3011; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 2

B2) Ring Push Up

2121; AMRAP at TEMPO; rest 60sec x 2
*each rep should take 6 seconds to complete. Stop the set as soon as the tempo breaks.

C) 12min AMRAP @ Continuous Grind Effort

Row 500m/450m
2 Rope Climbs
10 Single Arm KB OH Walking Lunge 70/53 (switch arms at 5)