Week 2 – Day 6

3 Sets –
5 Seated Hurdle Jumps
10 DB Powell Raise/arm
30sec Single leg glute bridge hold
https://youtu.be/cjUC2jBsFUA Seated Hurdle Jumps
https://youtu.be/-7W2f_h9iXE Single leg glute bridge hold
https://youtu.be/UZ0SIUzOq88 Powell Raise/arm

A) Banded Good Morning

3010; 6-8reps; rest 90sec between sets x 2

*Activation Focus – like last week continue to keep these loads relatively low

B) Snatch Deadlift From Blocks

21X1; 5,4,3,3; TOUGH Sets; rest 2-3mins

*Blocks above knee again this week – build from last weeks loads – Use lifting straps if you have them

C1) Narrow Grip Bench Press

3131; 5-7reps; rest 30sec
*build from last week slightly

C2) Single Arm Dumbbell Row

30X1; 6-8/arm; rest 2:00 x 3

D) Rounds in 3mins – Consistent Effort Throughout

Assault Bike 9/7 Cals
6 Toes to Rings
6 Alternating DB Reverse Lunges 35/20lbs/hand
rest 90sec
Rounds in 3mins – Consistent Effort Throughout
Row 9/7 Cals
5 HR Push Ups
5 Pull Ups
rest 90sec x 2

*Consistent effort throughout – this is a skill that has to be trained and worked on. The goal within these 3min pieces is to finish at the same pace you start at. You will cycle through each 3min segment 2x. On the second round through aim to match or exceed your first round score.