- 3 Sets NFT
- 4-6/arm @ 30X1 Tall Kneeling Landmine Press
- rest 15sec
- 15m Crab Walk Slow Deliberate
- rest 15sec
- 6-8 Dumbbell Side Plank Powell Raise 30X0
- rest 60sec
- Shoulder Mobility
- 3-4mins Overhead Squat With Thoracic Mobilization
- Crab Walk https://youtu.be/b6QCSWqQ3pA
- Tall Kneeling Landmine Press https://youtu.be/TVTHezj2ZLg
- Side Plank DB Powell Raise https://youtu.be/eQflPl9LjWk
- Overhead Squat with Thoracic Mobilization https://youtu.be/GCtCiJPlwGs
A1) Barbell Z Press
3111; 4,3,2; rest 45sec
Demo video https://youtu.be/D73Oy2m-Uoc
A2) Dumbbell Cross Body Romanian Deadlift
31X0; 6-8/arm; rest 90sec x 3
Demo video https://youtu.be/7xiezhBwR0Q
B1) Parallette Handstand Push Up Negatives
- 61A2; 3-5reps; rest 30sec x 3
- *read the tempo as follows:
- 6 Second Eccentric
- 1 Second Come off Wall
- A – Assist yourself to the top of the rep again by kicking up
- 2 Second hold at top of the rep
*If you don’t feel confident on paralletes you can simply use the floor again for another week or use a slight deficit with weight plates
Demo video https://youtu.be/K9aFvWSOG1A
B2) Weighted Supinated Pull Up Negative
- 61A2; 3-5reps; rest 30sec x 3
- *read the tempo as follows:
- 6 Second Eccentric
- 1 Second Come off Bar
- A – Assist yourself to the top of the rep again by jumping up with the help of a box
- 2 Second hold at top of the rep
*Perform at bodyweight if tempo is hard to manage.
Demo video https://youtu.be/V_edVic4op8
B3) Windshield Wiper
- 30X1; 6-8/side; rest 90-120sec x 3
- *Add a dumbbell between your feet for added challenge
- Demo video https://youtu.be/M8csHpQrq5o
C) 3-4 Sets NFT
- 20m KB Mixed Rack Overhead Carry R
- 20sec Archer Ring Row Hold R
- 15reps Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53
- 20m KB Mixed Rack Overhead Carry L
- 20sec Archer Ring Row Hold L
- 20 Bench Dips 20X0 (loaded with DB between legs)
- rest 90sec
*based on your energy levels and time restraints stop at 3 sets or complete 4.
Mixed KB Rack Overhead Carry https://youtu.be/YgQICLEwOpM
Bench Dips https://youtu.be/XXvuYGCxpkk
Archer Ring Row Hold https://youtu.be/SZC5Off5LYc
Russian Kettlebell Swing https://youtu.be/KkYOW3jDhoM
Coaching Points
Mondays have been defined in large part by repeated weeks of isometric holds and now eccentric repetitions in gymnastics. The NEGATIVES we are working this week and last are a great way to build great strength for those of you who don’t have great bodyweight gymnastics skills yet. LOADED negatives are a powerful strength builder and even if you have strong pull ups and handstand push ups, you still stand to gain a ton from doing these from time to time. Move under control and make sure you got the TEMPO dialed before going up in weight.
Have a great week!
Coach Khang
A1 40kg 42kg 43kg
A2. 25kg
B1. Rower assist
B2. 15kg 15kg 17kg
B3. 8 reps
C. 4 sets 16kg 24kg 20 dips
A1- 40kg 45kg
B1-5 reps with 15 box
B2- body weight only
B3-6 reps
C-4 rounds