- 3-5 Rounds NFT
- Row 200/175m (build pace each round)
- 10 Seated Alternating KB Press Bottom Up 30X0 (5/arm)
- 10m Reverse Quadruped Crawl
- Shoulder Mobility
- Side Lying Thoracic Rotation x 12/side – 2-3 sets/side
- Row https://youtu.be/gON7XC5WxCM
- Reverse Quadruped Crawl https://youtu.be/yTDvSXmwH2k
- Seated Alternating KB Press Bottom Up https://youtu.be/tb66mJdhUC8
- Side Lying Thoracic Rotation https://youtu.be/lyzDBUL55OY
A1) Seated Press
4121; 5,4,3; rest 45sec
Demo video https://youtu.be/cJnCigm8i2c
A2) Single Leg Barbell Glute Bridge
40X0; 6-8/leg; rest 90sec x 3
Demo video https://youtu.be/GNY0RKIvkH0
B1) Strict Handstand Push Up
- 21X1; AMRAP (-2); rest 30sec x 3
- *Ensure a pause at the bottom and top of every single rep – Lots of Control!
- *Scale back to Pike Strict HSPU
- *Also OK to scale the range of motion back by placing an Abmat or two under your head
- Strict Handstand Push-up https://youtu.be/ic8cg0SQ8A4
- Pike Strict Handstand Push-Up https://youtu.be/ytczHUp_33c
B2) Strict Pull Up
31X1; 3-5reps; rest 30sec x 3
*for athletes that are strong in this position – add weight between your legs
Demo video https://youtu.be/gfRjCi4JSM8
B3) Weighted Ring Body Saw
2020; 8-12reps; rest 90-120sec x 3
Demo video https://youtu.be/ldag28XokC4
C) 3-4 Sets at Sustainable Effort
- 8 Dual KB Push Press 40X0
- 20m Kettlebell Overhead Carry
- rest 30sec
- 8 Dips 20X0
- 8 Diamond Push Ups
- rest 90sec
- Dual Kettlebell Overhead Carry https://youtu.be/7JUe6YXSM3g
- Dual Kettlebell Push Press https://youtu.be/ekNrVv6G5v8
- Diamond Push-Up https://youtu.be/XtU2VQVuLYs
- Strict Bar Dip https://youtu.be/JR0PUrVAFyA
Coaching Points
This week marks the introduction of the barbell Olymplic lifts to your training program. If you are a seasoned lifter then you have likely been wondering when these were going to show up. You will also notice that we are starting with the very basics of the lifts. Muscle Cleans and Muscle Snatches to focus on just the basic of the pattern.
If you are brand new to the Olympic lifts, then DO NOT WORRY. The bulk of the training focus on these days still is about Functional Bodybuilding and the other lifts. You can get great value out of just trying to learn a new skill here and you can simply use empty bars to get the movements down. A recent ATS 4 graduate shared with me that he came into ATS with zero Olympic lifting experience and finished 4.0 with a 275lb Full Clean with really solid form. That came from just honoring the progressions and being patient.
Enjoy your own journey!
Coach Khang
A1. 40 45 50kg
A2. 40 45 50kg
B1. 9reps 6reps 7reps
B2. 5 reps x3
B3. 12 12 8 5kgweight
C. 4 rounds 16kg
A1) 25kg, 45kg, 49kg
A2) 15kg
B1) pike stand 8 reps
B2) box assisted pull up
B3) Yellow slides
C) 10KB