Rest Day

Awaken Lifestyle Tip #3

Did you water the plants? Did you water yourself? What we have in common with the plant kingdom is that we also need water to thrive. How much water do we need?

First lets discuss what can happen if you are under hydrated. You can experience decreases in performance and power output. Being dehydrated is a common cause of sugar cravings. Your brain can mistake bein dehydrated as being hungry and throw off your appetite, making you want to eat food when you don’t need the added energy.

Now back to the directive of the week. There are varying schools of thought on this one. What we love to suggest is 60% of your bodyweight (pounds) as fluid ounces of pure water. So if you weigh 200lbs, you would be aiming to consume 120oz of water each day.

This may sound like a lot of water, and if you are like most poeple who under hydrate every day, it will be hard to get to this number when you begin. But just like any changes you make to your lifestyle or nutrition, take gradual steps to get there and you will adapt to a point that this feels normal.

Use a bottle that has a measurement on it so you can be sure you are hitting your goal. This one is easy to slip back into old patterns on so periodically count your ounces in a day to be sure you are getting enough.