Week 7 – Day 32

3 Sets/arm
2 KB Single Arm Thrusters
2 KB Single Arm Push Press
2 KB Single Arm Overhead Squat
Light Overhead Snatch Grip Prep Work
3 Sets – LIGHT Barbell Work
3 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press
3 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Jerk

A) Overhead Squat

31X1; 3 reps every 2:30 x 4 sets
*build from last two weeks

B) Back Squat

65-70% 1RM; every 10sec x 60sec (quickly re-rack the bar between reps – 6 reps per set)
rest 4mins x 3 sets

*Increase the load from last week. We are now doing 6 reps in a single minute. Stay close to the rack so you can perform these squats every 10sec with a quick break.

C) Single Leg Scapular Structural Balance

2 Sets
6-8/leg @ 30X0 tempo – KB Rack Deficit Split Squat
*both feet on 3-4″ risers
*Move load from suitcase to Rack this week
rest 60sec
10 Half Kneeling KB Windmill R
10 Half Kneeling KB Windmill L
rest 60sec

D) 4 Sets – Power Work

6 Hang Power Clean
6 Burpees Over Bar
Assault Bike 15sec @ 97%
rest walk 3:00-3:30
*record load and total cals