Active Recovery – Rest Day

A) 3 Sets – Grinder Muscle Endurance Work

30m Sled Push
6 Seated Box Jumps
3 Burpee Bar Muscle ups (sub 5 Burpee Chest to Bar if needed)
rest walk 60sec
10 Dual KB Russian Swings
1 Legless Rope Climbs 15′
1 Rope Climb 15′ w/ feet
Row 12/10 Cals at damper 10
rest walk 60sec

B) Mindfulness

50mins Walking – Unplugged

During your walk today I want you to walk briskly! Walk at a pace that actually feels a little bit difficult. You can vary your pace up and down but periodically I want you to push your pace a little and see how your body mechanics feel during a fast walk.

Connect with your hips, knees, ankles, low back, arms, and trunk. Your whole body is involved in walking. It is a primal movement pattern that we often take for granted. It has tremendous healing powers. Walking can aid in alignment of your body and recovery from training.

In the comments below write down anything that you noticed about yourself and your body during your walk.