Rest Day


What is the most important part of your training session? 

“Who is to say that the weight training you’re going to do in the second part of your training is more important than the stuff you just did with those band walks? Why is that more important? What’s your function in life? What are you trying to achieve? And for a number of different goals that are out there, whether it be competing in fitness as a sport, or just health and longevity, I think I can make an argument that says, ‘Hey, that 15 minute warmup is more important than that set of back squats you’re about to go do. So let’s not overlook that and let’s definitely not bias our training year after year after year towards back squat, deadlift, and bench press only. Let’s do these other things. And if it takes up 20 minutes of your session and you don’t get to the last conditioning part, so be it.'”

– Coach Khang

If you are going to do something in your training, it has to have purpose. We warm up with purpose. We lift with purpose. We do conditioning with purpose. Listen to your bias. What do you prioiritize? Maybe the the biggest growth lies in the aspect of training you prioritize the least.