Recovery Concepts

Recovery Day –

Performance is a big draw for many of us to train. So is looking good. Why should the two be separate? Hopefully by now you are noticing that through this style of training you can build some functionality, perform well, and start to pack on lean tissue. What is the bridge between this style of training and looking the way you want to look?

Your nutrition most definitely is the route. A functional bodybuilding routine alongside a quality food approach can be a powerful combination. During your recovery day today make an effort to stock your refrigerator and pantry with whole foods.

Whole foods are foods that themselves are ingredients. If the “food” you have has a list of ingredients then it isn’t a whole food. It is processed. What do rice, potatoes, lettuce, spinach, carrots, beef, chicken thighs, avocado, and butter all have in common? They don’t have a list of ingredients. They are just simply food.

Look the way you want to look with food that is really just food. Comment today on what you stocked your home with!

Coach Khang