Week 1 – Day 5

Aerobic Primer
30sec Row @ 75-80% x 8 sets
30sec Rest
*build your pace with each set on the rower – these are not sprint sets but warm up to aerobic level pacing work.
3-4 Sets – RUMP PUMP
10 Single Leg Glute Bridge/leg
10m Lateral Band Walks/side
10 Theraband Clamshell Side Planks/side

A1) Back Squat

5151; 5,5,5; rest 30sec

A2) Staggered Stance Kettlebell Deadlift

3131; 6/leg; rest 3mins x 3 sets

B1) Dumbbell Suitcase Reverse Lunge

30X0; 6-8/leg; rest 30sec between legs; rest 90sec x 3

B2) Back Extensions

3131; 6-8reps; rest 90sec x 3

C) Steady Grind Continuous

2mins Sled Push moderate load
2mins Wall Walks
2mins Wall Sit
2mins Turkish Get Ups w/ Added KB Press at top of Each Rep (switch arms each rep)

*for the wall sit if you have to break be sure to only count the actual time you are in the position until 2mins is reached
*for the other movements just find a steady pace and accumulate reps during the alotted time
https://youtu.be/LkqIu3YpRNo TGU
https://youtu.be/SszDMOZvFuw Wall Sit
https://youtu.be/_mPxnqOrjNY Slead Push
https://youtu.be/Qve98qQFfDQ Single arm KB push
https://youtu.be/JsGNOjxsu9A Wall Walks