Rest Day

Nutrition Tip #1

Protein – you probably have heard a lot about this macrontrient. Proteins provide you with essential amino acids to build proteins within your body. Skeletal muscle is made up of amino acid building blocks and therefore your consumption of protein can aid in the remodeling of your muscle tissue after training.

Protein has some unique qualities to it that set it apart from carbohydrates and fats.
Protein has a higher thermogenic effect meaning that digesting protein actualy burns more energy that do fats and carbohydrates.
Protein is a blood sugar regulator. The fluctuations in your blood sugar throughout the day are what cause energy dips, mood swings, and uncontrolled appetite. Eating protein can help stabilize your blood sugar to avoid energy crashes and appetite dysregulation.

Directive – Make it a goal of yours to eat 20-40grams of lean protein at breakfast every single day. Preferably within 1-2 hours of waking. This will set up the day for better energy and focus.