- 3 Sets NFT
- 6-8/arm @ 2121 Standing Landmine Press
- rest 15sec
- Reverse Quadruped Crawl 10m Slow Deliberate
- rest 15sec
- 6-8 Single Arm Dumbbell Powell Raise 30X0
- rest 60sec
- + Shoulder Mobility
- 3-4mins Supine Shoulder Flexion With Thoracic Mobilization
- Single Arm Landmine Press https://youtu.be/5Cs27w8WVz4
- Reverse Quadruped Crawl https://youtu.be/yTDvSXmwH2k
- Powell Raise https://youtu.be/UZ0SIUzOq88
- Supine Shoulder Flexion With Thoracic Mobilization https://youtu.be/5Gpy_LIPUJk
A1) Barbell Z Press
4141; 4-6reps x 1 sets; 3-5reps; x 2 sets; rest 75sec
Demo video https://youtu.be/D73Oy2m-Uoc
A2) Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Row
2121; 6/arm; rest 75sec x 3
Demo videohttps://youtu.be/kSrITY6J7qo
B1) Handstand Hold
30-50sec Unbroken; rest 60sec x 3
*extend your sets from last week *if you need to break up the set into multiple sets to reach 30sec that is OK
Demo video https://youtu.be/ksWW0q78GhU
B2) Supinated Pull Up Isometric
30-50sec Unbroken; rest 60sec x 3
*if you need to break up the set into multiple sets to reach 30sec that is OK Demo video https://youtu.be/ASJztoDk9KM
B3) Supine Toes to Bar
31X1; 8-12reps; rest 60sec x 3
Demo video https://youtu.be/AckyjE7USU8
C) 3-4 Sets NFT
- 30sec Sorenson Hold
- 30m Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (TOUGH FOR YOU)
- 30sec Feet Elevated Ring Row Hold (make your body position this week more horizontal)
- 8-10 Diamond Push Ups 30X0
- rest 90sec
*based on your energy levels and time restraints stop at 3 sets or complete 4.
Sorenson https://youtu.be/mizHw8ejXhc
Kettlebell Front Rack Carry https://youtu.be/H5SvCASqrgY
Diamond Push-Up https://youtu.be/XtU2VQVuLYs
Ring Row Hold https://youtu.be/xG8vvYKaNfw
Coaching Points
As you are coming into week 2 of the program I want to give you a little roadmap to the days of training each week and give you insight into where I think you should be pushing yourself the most and where you want to focus on moving well over intensity.
Monday – Lower/Moderate intensity day – Focus on great positions and keeping tempos super strong on the bodyweight gymnastics and the conditioning work.
Tuesday – High intensity day – This is a day to push your strength work on the Box Squats and Conditioning. The increasing effort sets should end with a tough final set and pushing your limits a bit.
Wednesday – Moderate Intensity Day – Wednesday being day 3 of training in a row is all about getting a wide range of movement patterns in. On the Grinder piece I don’t want you trying to RUSH. Focus on quality continuous movement.
Friday – Higher Intensity Day – Tempo is the focus of your squat sets today, but with that said it is OK to challenge yourself week after week with loads, so long as you are HONORING the TEMPO. On your conditioning sets, push yourself a bit here and see if you can stay SUPER consistent on the intervals.
Saturday – Moderate Day – Get your heart rate up and use the LONG warm up to help prep your body after a full week of training. Deadlifts from blocks are the one area to really push yourself if you are feeling confident in the movement. The rest of the day is about getting some hypertrophy work and honoring the tempo and movement quality!
Enjoy your training week.
Regards, Coach Khang
B- 15kg x6 20kgx6
B1- wall walk 30 sec
B2-20 sec max
B3- 8 reps
C-16kg 30m
A – 19kg 6 reps
B- 7kg dumbbell upright row
B1 50sec handstand hold
B2- 30 secs, 30 secs , 20 secs
B3- 12 reps
C – 4 rounds of
30 secs sorenson hold
12 kg KB
15 sec ring row hold
10 diamond pu
A1. 35kg 5 reps for 3 sets
A2. 17kg 3 sets
B1. 35sec 30sec 32sec
B2. 35sec 30sec 30sec pull up forward
B3. 12reps 8reps 7reps
C. 4sets 30sec 53lb 2sets 16kg 1set walk 30sec 8reps
A1. 43kg 5 reps
A2. 22.5kg DB
B1. 50sec hold
B2. 30sec hold
B3. 12 reps
C1. RX 4 rds, 24kg KB
A – 30kg 6 reps, 32kgs x2 sets of 5reps
B- 17.5kg dumbbell upright row
B1 30secs, 30secs, 20secs handstand hold
B2- x3 rounds 10secs, 2green bands
B3- 10, 10, 8 reps
C – 3 rounds of
30 secs sorenson hold
16kg KB
30 sec ring row hold
10 diamond push ups