Week 9 – Day 41

3 Sets –
6 Kneeling Jumps
12 Half Kneeling Pallof/side
20m Goblet Duck Walk

A) Touch and Go Snatch Complex

1 Muscle Snatch
1 Hang Power Snatch Below Knee
1 Power Snatch
every 60sec x 8 sets

*Continue to execute reps with quick turnover.

B) Snatch High Pull

31X1; 3,3,2,2; rest 2mins

*Goal is to finish with elbows as high as you can on these reps. Lower in 3sec from hips to floor.

C1) Close Grip Bench Press

20X0; 6-8reps; rest 90sec x 2
*Slight Deload week on Volume

C2) Banded Pendlay Row

20X0; 8-10/reps; rest 90sec x 2

D) Rounds in 7mins – Consistent Effort Throughout

Row 350m/300m
10 Dumbbell Thrusters 53/35

rest 3mins

Rounds in 7mins – Consistent Effort Throughout
Run 200m
10 Jump Lunges
10 RIng Push Ups

rest 3mins

Rounds in 7mins – Consistent Effort Throughout
4 Kettlebell Snatch R 53/35
4 Kettlebell Snatch L 53/35
25 Double Unders
6 Kettlebell Clean R 53/35
6 Kettlebell Clean L 53/35
25 Double Unders

*This week marks the first week we move into the 7mins time domain. We are going to wrap up the series in this time domain. Each week attempt to increase your effort while finding that sustainable pace!